Thursday, May 24, 2007

Above sea level

Its 4 o'clock in the afternoon and i'm waiting for the sun to comedown to anticipate and capture this lovely sunset of Manila bay. Finally i found the right spot but I did not noticed this one guy heavily equiped with his photo arsenal, just a couple of meter away from me. He seemed a little bit annoyed while looking at me, so what I did is I left the spot and look for another to give him some room and some respect. Finally I found the perfect spot. I went down the shore, lie on my chest on a big steady rock and carefully positioned my camera a couple of inch above sea level and took this shot. I set my apperture on the smallest opening possible which is f/8 for Kodak DX7590 to take a clear shot of the water ripples and the rest of the scenery. No post processing only cropping.

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